CodeIgniter Wizard 2 Is Here

With Long Awaited New Features Like Auth, File Uploads, I18n, Data Export, and More...

CodeIgniter Wizard 2 updated with features better than ever

CodeIgniter Wizard 2 has been released with lots of new features added like auth, i18n, file uploads, automatic image resizing, auto-generation of slugs...

published on 3 Sep 2022 in CodeIgniter Web Development PHP Mac Apps

CodeIgniter Wizard 2.0.7 has been released to fix a couple of reported bugs reported by active users of version 2.0.x soon after it was unveiled on 30 August 2022. With a large number new features added to the application, the time needed to showcase them increased more than ten-fold. Authentication & authorization, secure file uploads for the end user, automatic image resizing post-uploads, language localization and translation in the GUI with the ability to add unlimited number of languages and locale variations, are just to name a few of the new features.

Here is the first video prepared for this major update which demonstrates a new end-to-end process of creating a simple web application featuring demonstrations for not just some of the less known features like AJAX-based lazy loading of list views, but also new features like integrating authentication, authorization, and image file uploads with automatic image size shrinking.

Below is a summarized list of all the new significant features that came with version 2.x

  • Authentication and Authorization
    • Integrate Myth/Auth library to your CodeIgniter project
    • Automatically have login, registration, password reset forms, even editable user profile pages added.
    • Define which user group is authorized to access a specific module from the GUI
  • Language Localization
    • Localize your web application in a language other than English
    • Add multiple languages to your web app from within the GUI
    • Edit translation strings in the GUI
    • Allow end-users to switch language in the generated web apps.
    • Import/export translation files
  • File Uploads
    • Ability to add fully functional file inputs to the forms
    • Support for image uploads for jpeg, png, gif and web formats
    • Add non-image files as downloadable documents such as PDFs and MS Office files
    • Multiple file upload fields can exist on a single form and generated controller will handle all of them.
  • Improved Form Validation
    • Form validation is now even more user-friendly and good-looking.
    • Have each field provide its specific feedback
  • Ability to export .csv and Excel .xlsx files from list views (using datatables) in generated web apps
  • Augmented AJAX
    • Create forms in modal windows with AJAX-based data validation and submission
    • Works well with noncomplex* forms. (See known limitations)
  • Other Improvements
    • Added ability to turn on auto-generation of UUIDs for PK fields of char(36)
    • Automatic generation of slugs from title fields (if there is a slug field in the DB table) 
    • Improved Routes
      • Routes refactored in groups per module
      • Authentication routes are automatically added
      • Ability to add additional URI segment to your app URL leaving room for custom front-ends that can be manually added
      • Dynamic parent route (group) handling your end user's locale

Screen-shots from CodeIgniter Wizard 2.0

Here are some screenshots from the new version.

Welcome Screen of CodeIgniter Wizard 2
Editing Location and Localization in Web Application Settings
Auth options when creating a new web app in CodeIgniter Wizard
Global Languages, translation files and translated strings
Setting Authorization Options for a module
Field options in CodeIgniter 2.0
Security Settings of a CodeIgniter web app

Where to Get More Information About CodeIgniter Wiz?

Where To Buy CodeIgniter Wizard?

CodeIgniter Wiz Updated and better than ever on the Mac App Store

Apple's Mac App Store is currently the only source to purchase the product. It is available in the App Store of 100 countries around the world.

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What do you think?

  • Carrie
    Great product to rapidly scaffold feature-rich PHP web applications. This is probably the only tool on the planet which shrinks images to a specific size after file uploads while maintaining other complex factors like form and file validation! Very cool!
    • Ozar
      Glad you are content with the new features, Carrie. We truly appreciate your comments.